No invitations were sent out but somehow word got around to all those who loved them. Two hundred of their closest friends and family showed up.
They didn’t have a budget for flowers but one of the daughters- in- law knew how much they loved vegetable gardening so had the bride’s bouquet made with an assortment of greenery and radishes and cherry tomatoes and it was beautiful as was the groom’s radish boutonniere.
Margarite volunteered music so she hauled out the old organ that is stored in the pavilion shed and the guests were welcomed with some of the much-loved hymns.
Frank arrived in his old golf cart decorated with fishing gear. He walked to the front where Pastor Joe was waiting for him and we all applauded. We couldn’t help ourselves.
The second golf cart arrived carrying BeeBee, escorted by her two sons. As soon as she stepped out of the cart I have to admit we were all taken back. She looked beautiful in her silk suit she had bought at a local consignment store for $3.50. She is petite and as a bride looked radiant with her white hair resembling a halo around her face.
Margarite began the wedding march and all of us were on our feet…well, Beloved and I were already on our feet because there was standing room only. Two grandchildren, ages about 4 and 6 came down the aisle first tossing Spring Salad Mix from little baskets, an appropriate homage to the wedding couple.
With a son on each side, BeeBee came down the down the aisle confidently to her waiting man.
Joe did a great job of conducting the ceremony and the bride and groom spoke their vows with such conviction….the conviction of two people who really knew what they what getting into and yet were willing to move forward with joy and courage.
Travis has a voice that is beautiful even in his late seventies and stood to sing “How Great Thou Art”, BeeBee and Frank’s favorite song. But emotion got the best of him and he struggled through the first verse. Then as if by some strange silent invitation, everyone joined in. It was beautiful, touching and well, holy. I cried.
The vows completed, the kiss exchanged and the wedded couple joyfully went up the aisle to wild applause.
And then before we knew it they were back in the front. Frank, tall and handsome had something to say. And he began…” I am so grateful to….and the list was a fairly long one, grateful for the friends and family who really, really loved them and had made this day so special. He spoke personally to each and every one of them, naming their contribution to the day. And then he briefly told the audience what they already knew and yet acknowledging it made it beautiful.
He was grateful for his first marriage to his beloved wife of 53 years. BeeBee was also grateful for her first husband of 46 years. And they both felt those deceased loved ones were looking on with joy. And I believe they really were.
Acknowledging God’s goodness in the past, enjoying and being so grateful for God’s goodness in the present, and looking forward to what God had for them in the future… their future together.
It was all so simple. It was all so profoundly simple and yet incredibly beautiful. It was a God-event and I will never forget it.
Simplicity. We really don’t believe it is better but it really is. I have been to many weddings and many very extravagant and expensive ones but none like this one. I walked away humbled, deeply touched and perhaps, even changed.
Maybe God doesn’t give extra credit for busier, faster, and more. Perhaps He has given us the secret but we just don’t believe Him. Maybe the secret really is simplicity. A couple of hints show up in Second Corinthians. The question is “Will I, will we, pay attention”?
For our boasting is this: the testimony of our conscience that we conducted ourselves in the world in simplicity and godly sincerity not with fleshly wisdom but by the grace of God
and more abundantly toward you.
2 Corinthians 1:12
But I fear lest somehow as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.
2 Corinthians 11:5