All of this is true. The sky IS falling. And the world IS falling. And man IS falling. And we should expect nothing less. This is not something new. It started in Genesis chapter three and it has been pretty much falling ever since. The sky was falling when Adam and Eve were kicked out of the garden and soon their family was tragically devastated when Cain killed Abel and had to run for his life. The sky was falling when the flood covered the earth. The sky was falling when Babylon crushed Judah and people ended up eating their own children. The sky fell when Rome was burning Christians at the stake or feeding them to lions for sport. The sky was falling during the Revolutionary War, the Civil War and World Wars one and two and now we are on the brink we are told of another catastrophic event ... all depending on who gets elected.
But among all of the fear of the election, all of the anxiety of the “what if”, all of the chilling stories and heart break and a future that is tenuous, there is a voice rising above all of the others. I WILL build my church and the powers of hell WILL NOT prevail against it”. That is a promise. And those who believe in Jesus Christ and trust in Him ARE the church.
Will life change as we know it? Perhaps. Is the sky falling? Possibly. Does the sky falling have anything to do with my true identity or my true future? I think not. As the voices continue to cry out, the voice that is that still small voice gets my vote and attention. It is emphatic. I WILL. It clearly says what will be done. “Build my church” And it says what will prevail against it…NOTHING!
So we may lose religious freedom. We may lose our financial security. We may lose the democratic government. But we will NOT lose what is most dear to us: Jesus Christ and HIS church.
So today I am going to vote and I will vote for the one I think best represents the laws of God. But I am also going to plug my ears and close my eyes to the Chicken Little’s of this world. I have my instructions in hand. I am going to be a part of the work Christ is doing and what He is doing is building His church in His great kingdom and in His Kingdom the firmament is unbreakable. So cry on Chicken Little.
I will build My church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it.
Matthew 16:18