Monday, January 6, 2014

2013 Year in Review

As I have been looking back over 2013 I am AMAZED at what God has allowed us to accomplish as we have worked together for His glory.  Below are those things that I have come up with but I bet you can add to the list!

·        We filmed 24 introduction/comedy segments at Anita Renfro’s home.

·        We taught Be Amazing to about 300 ladies at a retreat held at Calloway Garden.

·        Ms. Miller worked with us for four months to administer our database.

·        We filmed twenty-four testimonies for Be Amazing.

·        We filmed 24 segments of Be Amazing in four days at Buchholz’s home.

·        We completed the translation of all eleven of The Amazing Collection workbooks into Chinese.

·        The Spanish edition of The Pentateuch was printed and shipped to warehouse.

·        We filmed several skits for the temperaments.

·        The Be Amazing Workbook was completed and 2500 copies printed.

·        Hired Traci Martin to handle the social media and technology development as well as addressing all web and technology issues.

·        The Pentateuch was completed in the French language.

·        CNLTV in Russian picked up the Be Amazing Study for broadcasting. They will translate all DVDs into both the Russian and Ukraine language.

·        The barn was completed giving us more than 400 square feet of usable heated storage space.

·        We have boxed, packed, shipped, assembled and shrink-wrapped:

               5706 DVDs
               24,006 workbooks
               39 CDs

·        Greatly upgraded the fulfillment center with new packing tables.

·        Upgraded telephone system from one handset to five handsets.

And through it all, I think we have brought glory to God and have aided thousands in better understanding the Word of God and now also their roles as Christian women.

All I can say to you all is “Well done good and faithful servant.”

I appreciate you more than words can say.


Love and hugs
