I was reading Facebook a few weeks ago, and one of the
questions on the “feed” was “How can a
parent help a child become a Christian?”
It is a good question and one that should
keep parents awake at night. The answers
were many and for the most part good ones .They
included family devotions, a commitment to a Bible teaching church, home
schooling, Christian schools, youth groups and Christian camps. But there is
one thing that I think far out weights any of the suggestions. In fact I think
it is key and it is simple: Let them see that Christ is real.
The day a child finds out that Santa is not real nor is the
Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy can be a little startling. These are all
stories, made to make life a little more fun. I confess I have yet to meet
anyone who was truly traumatized by finding out that Mom and Dad were really
the culprits. As a child I was not so interested in WHO delivered those gifts, eggs
or money as I was that they WERE delivered. That was all that mattered.
But with God there is a huge difference. He IS real. We do well to read the Bible stories to our
kids. After all they are some of the very best stories in the world! It is wonderful to have times set apart for
the family to come together and pray and discuss what God has to say in the
Bible. And an excellent church is a huge blessing. But they cannot show the
child on a regular basis that God truly is real and involved in our lives and family.
If the child is able to see that God is working and real then he will not be
easily persuaded by smooth talking professors or confident friends or
Hollywood. He will KNOW because he has
seen the “handiwork of God” and does not doubt His existence.
When a child sees the parent put God before ANYTHING, he
will take note. When a child hears parents talking about the work God has done
or the prayer that was answered, they take notice. If church is looked upon as
a joyous opportunity to worship a mighty and holy and loving God, then he will
take note. When the parents refer to the Scriptures, and are committed to know
and study and obey God’s Word as their
source of knowledge, understanding and wisdom, then the child will take note.
When my daughters were young, a neighbor called me to pray for
a friend that was horrifically injured in an accident and didn't expect to
live. I spent that afternoon praying fervently for this lady I had never met.
That evening we got the call that she had come through the surgery
“miraculously” and was going to make it.
We praised God as we saw that God is real and chose to answer our
Few years later our
car was dying. We had committed to paying cash for everything except our house.
It seemed like it would be impossibility, but we prayed and when our car died several
months later, there was enough money in the bank to pay cash for a newer model.
But sometimes the answer is no. When our company began to
flounder we prayed fervently that God would intercept and save it, but He did
not and we lost everything. But in the
midst of sorrow and confusion we knew God had a plan and indeed He did. We
tried to walk in faith and God responded with another job and several great
blessings we would not have seen had we not first lost everything. In fact we
saw God more “real” than ever before and we are grateful for the
experience. So our whole family was able to see answered prayers, His provision
and also learn that invaluable lesson
that “no” can sometimes be a “yes” to
something better. These are just a few small examples that made an impact.
Give children as much Bible knowledge as you can pump into
them in the short years that they live at home. Have family devotions. Make
sure you attend a Bible teaching church and a have a close group of like-minded
friends. But above all, show your children that our God is not a legend, but
knows us intimately, loves us dearly and is working for our great good. .
We as parents cannot “save” our children; that is entirely
the work of God. But we can show them that Christ is real as He works in our families
and that His Word is true. That is an excellent step toward guiding them on the
path to heaven.