Monday, June 2, 2014

The Amazing Collection 15-Minute Bible Study


by Eleanor Lewis 

A little boy was told Solomon was the wisest man to ever live.  He replied, “But he married 700 wives and 300 porcupines, that doesn’t seem very wise to me.”  He has a point! 

The first commandment God gave was, “You shall have no other gods before Me.” Before there was a king in Israel, God warned future kings not to multiply wives for their hearts would turn away from Him to serve other gods. (Deut 17:17)  King Solomon started well asking God for wisdom. When young, he wrote the Song of Solomon giving wisdom for marriage.  In his mid-years he wrote the Proverbs which give wisdom for living a Godly life in an unGodly world.  However, disobeying God, he married many foreign women and, as God predicted, his heart turned after their gods.   (I Kings 11) 

In these later years when he had turned from God’s wisdom, King Solomon wrote Ecclesiastes.   Trusting his own mind or human wisdom he tried all the world offers... wine, women, works and wealth.   The result?  He hated life including all he thought would make him happy.  Trusting his own thinking (what seemed right) he found life to be meaningless, empty, like striving after wind.  He was seeking satisfaction, but never finding it.

Looking at all his labor had provided he realized riches can be lost through a bad investment or you will die and leave it all.   Therefore,  “He who loves money will not be satisfied with money...”  

Solomon says:  “The conclusion, when all has been heard, is: fear God and keep His commandments, because this applies to every person.  For God will bring every act to judgment, everything which is hidden, whether it is good or evil.”  (Eccles 12:13-14)

1.  Ecclesiastes is a book of man’s wisdom not God’s.  What have you thought would bring satisfaction that has left you feeling empty?

2.  Solomon disobeyed God by marrying foreign women.  What did he learn the hard way?  See Eccles 7:25-26.

3.  We too can get caught up or trapped by success and the things of this world.  What does Solomon say about those who fear or don’t fear (reverence) God above all? See Eccles 8:12-13.   

4.  What is God saying to you so your life will not feel meaningless, like you are striving after wind?