One evening, in total exhaustion. I knelt by my bed and with tears streaming down my face, poured out my frustration and anguish to God. When I was done listing all of my complaints and the many duties that were beyond human might, I stopped talking just long enough to hear the Still Small Voice. “I will restore to you the years the locust have eaten” (Joel 2:25). Eleven words and they made all of the difference. I rose, clinging to the promise.
Mama passed away several months later. I had cared for her for three years. God was good to His promise and the next three years proved to be full of rich blessings beyond my wildest dreams. During those years there was plenty of time for rest, spiritual and mental refreshment and a great deal of joy knowing Mom had received the best care and was now with her Savior.
I ponder God’s schedule for my life because in many ways my schedule is HIS schedule. I hear talk of the need to protect oneself from the demands of others, I see great boundaries that people put on their lives because they want to be sure they get enough “down time” or “me time” or whatever else you want to call it. But my experience has been a bit different. I do think God demands much from those who love Him and are called His children. But He is also mindful of the need for rest and relaxation and provides it at the most surprising times. There were many days of packed schedules while we were developing, teaching and filming. One such day looked like this:
4:00 Study and prayer
5:00 -8:00 Clean the house
8-9 Shower, dress, go to meeting
9:30 Prayer team meeting
11:00 Meeting with our copyright consultant
12:30 Doctors appointment
2:00 Meeting with our workbook writer.
4:00 Meeting with Speak Easy Training Group
Each time I found myself frantically running from one thing to another just barely arriving in time for the next event.
By 3:30 I was driving the 35 miles to downtown Atlanta for the 4:00 meeting I had been asked to attend. I was worn out and still had the grocery shopping to do and several letters to write before the day was over. “ Lord, I need help”, I prayed.
My cell phone rang. The meeting in Atlanta was canceled. I turned my car around, got the groceries, wrote my letters and was able to have dinner on the table for my husband when he arrived. The rest of the evening was spent in quiet rest.
This is not a coincident. In fact it happens with some regularity. Many times I have been so pressed for time only to see God intercede in the most creative and unexpected ways to free up my schedule and allow me the rest I need.
I do not see any of the disciples spending a lot of time protecting their schedules but more seemed to pour their lives out for Christ, trusting Him to empower them for the work He wanted them to do and trusting Him to provide the rest and refreshment they needed at the right time. That is the way I want my life to be, under the control of God’s schedule for my life, never saying “no” to Him, being totally available to whatever He wants me to do, when He wants me to do it.
Come to Me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28
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