Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Coming Home

Cameron called this summer. “Mom, we’re moving back home! Jay has accepted a position with a church in Madison Alabama!”

It has been almost eight years since we hugged our daughter and son-in law and their baby girl good-bye. I remember standing at the airport hardly able to breathe as we watched our treasures roll down the runway and take off for Poland….and in many ways the unknown. I wanted to run after them, drag them back home and never let them even think about missions again but …well…you can’t easily do that with grown children. Ok, then why couldn’t they just leave the baby? That would help.

The unknown ended up being a year in Poland and then seven years of ministry (and three more babies) in L’Viv Ukraine. But now their work was completed. They were coming HOME. And we anxiously awaited their arrival, just to see their faces cross the threshold of home.

There have been many times in my life that I have waited with great anticipation the arrival of a family member: my husband from business trips, the kids from college, from other parts of the country and then from overseas. And every time there is a flurry of preparation. I cook. I clean. I prepare. And I am excited. And then I wait, frequently looking out the window until the car drives up the drive way. Home, My loved one has arrived and all is well.

Scripture states plainly that Jesus left His heavenly home and ventured to our world on a mission. He left everything behind and “making Himself of no reputation taking the form of a bondservant and coming in the likeness of men He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.” (Philippians 2:5-8) And so this Christmas we celebrate His arrival on earth. But thirty three years later there was another “arrival” and he returned HOME to His home and our REAL home where we will arrive someday.

There are three arrivals I want to celebrate this Christmas. First, that our Savior “left to come” to our home so that He could teach us the way to live.

Secondly He conquered death and left our home to go back to His home with the promise that His blood covered our sin giving us access to Heaven, to God. And there now He is preparing a home for us..

Thirdly He will come back to our home for the last battle and then we all will be home together with our Savior. Something to celebrate this Christmas Season!

John 14:2
And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself;
that where I am there you may be also.

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