Friday, May 10, 2013

Chasing Cats

Jim would NOT come in. It was time for bed and Beloved and I were tired but Jim refused to come. Oh he heard us calling. In fact he would run right past us and not even look our way. He was focused and nothing would deter him from his mission. And so we went to bed and left him outside. 

Jim is our dog. He is a good dog. But he had caught the scent of a cat and that changed everything. So we left him outside to continue his frantic roaming. 

About every two hours I would wake up, go to the door and call him. I could hear the jingling of the tags on his collar. I knew he was close by yet even though I called him in my most commanding voice, he would not acknowledge me. By 3:00 AM I could not only hear his jingling collar but I could also hear his extreme heavy panting, yet he would not cease his endless striving. 

At 6:00 AM Beloved got up for the morning and went to the door. Jim literally dragged his exhausted body over the door sill and dropped in his tracks on the floor. His tongue was hanging out and his panting was so severe I thought he would die and his eyes were glazed over and he could not lift his head or wag his tail. He simply could not move. He did not eat breakfast. He did not have his bone for lunch. He did not want a chew toy. He did not eat his supper. He did not move all day. Jim had worn himself out, he was totally spent. 

And the cat? She sat out in the side yard relaxed, happy, calm, licking her paws. She had had a good night’s rest up in the tree. 

Sometimes I can give so much for so little. And sometimes there IS a voice calling, come and rest, come to bed and cease that crazy striving. 

Psalm 4:4 
Meditate within your heart on your bed, and be still. Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, and put your trust in the Lord.

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