And so we have spent the last two days trying to grapple
with what that looks like, not only for the ministry, but for us who have
worked so closely with her for the last fourteen years. How do we take the next
step without her wisdom? How do we make
the next decision without her input? How
do we pray without her confidence? How do we press on without her cheering us
on? How to we come to grips with the great hole that has been left in our
Those are all good questions. I have cried innumerable
tears, have asked a thousand questions and have held onto friends who have
cried right along with me. We have lost Eleanor.
For those who are not
intimately acquainted with the ministry, you may wonder just who Eleanor Lewis is. I will try to shine some light on
how she impacted the ministry and how valuable she was to it and to all of us
who are associated with it.
Eleanor was one of the teachers at Big Dream Ministries, Inc.
She taught eighteen books of the Bible in The
Amazing Collection. She taught two sections of Invincible Love/Invisible War and she taught four sections of Be Amazing. Eleanor was a born teacher. Soon after she came to Christ in 1968 God
began to prepare her for that role. She
loved to study and learn and grow. She had a passion for teaching people God’s
Word in a way they could understand and relate to it. Her lessons were well
thought out, well organized and every word was shaped for the purpose of
helping people grow closer to Christ.
Eleanor was not only one of the founding partners at BDM but
also a board member serving as treasurer. She and I shared a great partnership. I am the big picture person, but she
handled many of the details. Eight month ago we decided to have the DVDs
transcribed so that others could take the lessons and teach them without using
the DVDs. Once that was done we began to work on reshaping the “lectures” into
readable teachings. As we got started on this project I found that I absolutely
hated doing it. Why? There were way too many details. El asked if she could do
them all because she LOVED doing it. So for the past eight months she has
worked tirelessly reshaping every lecture. We would meet once a week for about
four hours to go over the big picture of the lessons…and that was my small part.
She had an incredible focus on Heaven and the Kingdom of
God. She would often remind us that life
was short, time was flying and Jesus could come back at any minute. It kept us
motivated to continue to press on toward the goal.
Eleanor prayed. She didn’t just say she would pray for
you…she would take up the cause and do
it! Sometimes during our prayer time together she would have to stop to compose
herself…she would take on the suffering of those we were praying for and the
tears would start to come. She had a sense
that Jesus was “right here” and we could at any moment talk to Him…and she did.
And so we “have lost Eleanor”. On Tuesday Morning, February
24, 2015, she stepped from a peaceful sleep into heaven and the presence if her
Lord, Savior and her true Love. We had prayed we would live until we died...
that we would live for Christ serving Him passionately until our last breath.
Eleanor Lewis did that with excellence.
As I have reflected on those three words “we have lost
Eleanor” I have come to understand that we have
not, we have not lost Eleanor.
We know exactly where she is. We know Who she is with and we know what she is
doing and it is all glorious. No, we have not lost Eleanor…she has simply moved
to a better neighborhood.
Pat - thank you for this sweet picture of Eleanor : ) We love how you girls at Big Dream share truths of the Bible with all of us. We will miss her along with you and at the same time are encouraged by this picture of her holding on tight to the hand and heart of Jesus.
ReplyDelete-janet, heart-to-heart bible study at Woodcreek church Richardson, tx
I am proud to say I am Eleanor's niece. I have cried tears I did not know I even possessed since reading my phone entry, the one that said "Aunt Eleanor Passed This Morning". In the ensuing hours I remained just as gob-smacked, too overwhelmed to properly and adequately cope with the earthquake of our loss and the subsequent tremors of aftershock that continue to render me completely unstable (something a Lewis gal isn't too often). But even upside down I know two things: I have been incredibly blessed to share her last name. And she is absolutely exactly where she has always belonged - with God. Christina Lewis Goetjen, Cold Spring Harbor, NY