Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Feasting with the Lord

One of the thrills of being a grown-up is there are more opportunities for one to practice hospitality. During early marriage when we had so little extra money we would have folks over for hotdogs (before they were thought to be poison) and potato chips. As resources increased, the food improved. But one thing remained consistent; when folks are gathered around our table accompanied by some good food, I will often be moved to happy tears because it gives me a little picture of heaven.

When the children of Israel where spending a year at Mt. Sinai God commanded certain times of feasting and fasting ….times set apart for the people to have a break from the normal work routines of every day life and focus on God and one another. He knew we needed those breaks. In many ways when we do take time for such feasts, I think He joins us in spiritual ways that adds joy to the occasions. So on June 13, 2003, we had the first of several feasts so we could break from the work we were doing and focus on what God had done and simply enjoy the company of one another.

We had worked for a year and a half and had accomplished much. We had added several fabulous volunteers to our team. We had seen God provide tens of thousands of dollars to fund “The Amazing Collection: The Bible Book By Book” project. We had filmed, duplicated, and made available twelve videos and two workbooks. It was time to pull apart and feast and fellowship and reflect on all God had done for us.

They began to arrive at our home around 6:00, thirty-two folks who had spent the last year and a half, working in various ways to help make our BIG DREAM become a reality. They came happy and they came hungry and the evening was not going to disappoint them.

Paul Ryzcek is a family friend and a phenomenal cook. He spends his days remodeling houses and installing freezer units for huge commercial companies. Yet even though his schedule keeps him running day after day he graciously volunteered to come and cook New Orleans shrimp for us. Two huge pots sat on the grill bubbling with hot melted butter, a hundred garlic cloves, Italian dressing and at least a can of pepper all ready to have the shrimp dropped into it and simmered to perfection.

But there were also platters of chicken, a watermelon scooped and filled with chucks of fruits and whole berries, creamy grits folded into gruyere and parmesan cheese, tomato mozzarella salad, marinated asparagus, and an assortment of hot rolls. After dinner root beer floats were served to all capping the feast perfectly.

Large round tables were set up to encourage good conversation but little encouragement was needed because these people shared so much in common, They all held to a firm belief in a Sovereign King who was working behind the scenes to make the impossible possible. There was more to talk about then there was time!

John Carozza is an awesome pianist and after dinner he sat at the piano and began to play. Soon every voice was joining in singing hymns and praise songs, all pointing to the One who had brought us all together.

At that moment I felt that Emmanuel, God With Us, really was! The whole room seemed filled with His glory! The voices were strong and clear and beautiful (thanks so much in part to Jen and John Carozza and Trace and Joel Balin!) but it was more than that. It sounded like the voices of angels and I thought at the time, they truly were singing along with us.

Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty….present at the feast, a feast that would never have taken place had He not shown Himself so strong and powerful on our behalf.

Psalm 13:6
I will sing to the Lord
For He has dealt bountifully with me.

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