Wednesday, October 30, 2013

A God-Fashioned Barn Raisin'

A God-Fashioned Barn Raisin'

The call came from Rosemary our warehouse manager. “We have no more room in the warehouse!” This was not good news as we were expecting a large shipment of workbooks and DVDs for our new Bible Study, “Be Amazing!” At that point I had no idea what we would do but as always God had gone before us and He had a plan.

The following weekend, I was at a large home improvement store with my Beloved and there in the parking lot was a series of “barns” in different sizes. A sign nailed to the side of the largest structure announced “Barn Sale”. So of course I was intrigued and after we had spent some time looking at all of them I was convinced this was what Big Dream needed to fix the storage problem.

Later that evening, Beloved and I discussed the situation and we decided the price was right and so we ordered one of the larger ones to be delivered and built on our property within the following month.  But during that month other expenses emerged. We would need a permit from the city. We would need architectural drawings (who knew!) in order to get the permit. We would need cement posts drilled into the ground and a cement block “foundation”. Before we knew it an additional $1500 had been added to the mix. It was now veering out of our price range.

The following week my car was totaled. No one was hurt but all thoughts of a barn evaporated now that we needed to buy a car. So Beloved called the store and canceled the order. And then what can only be called a “God-incident” occurred.  The store called back and said they would pay for the permit and drawings and foundation. Now this is unheard of and so usual we thought God might be up to something. And He was…far more that we could have ever dreamed. That afternoon, one of our ministry donors called. “I have been praying for the ministry and felt like the Lord was telling me that you have a financial need! I would like to help!” 

And because of a faithful friend of the ministry and a faithful God who provides abundantly more than we could ever hope or think we now have a barn. The last nail will go in this afternoon and it is perfect! In His great kindness He has once again met all of our needs!  To Him be the glory!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

One Road Trip Never to be Forgotten


We were heading back from Ludington, Michigan last month and traveling along a fairly deserted four lane highway divided by a large medium.  A pickup truck pulling a large camper-trailer was in front of us.  As Beloved began to pull up along the left-hand side of the camper in order to pass, the camper began to sway a little bit. Beloved quickly slowed down leaving space between the two vehicles as we watched the camper sway more and more.  And then in a split-second, the camper pulled the truck off the road and both violently flipped over and over as if they were just plastic toys.  The camper blew apart coming totally undone, clothes, flooring, aluminum, sink, table, and bedding  flying in every direction as if a bomb had just exploded inside of it.  The truck finally came to a stop on the other side of the medium and the sight was terrifying.  The top of the truck was squashed in and the sides and front were bashed.  Smoke rose from the front hood and out of the driver’s side broken window hung a bloody arm. From a small opening a head protruded, soaked in blood. Nothing moved. Beloved bolted from the car and I grabbed the cell phone and dialed 911.  I quickly left instructions… “send fire trucks, ambulances, police and jaws of life as soon as you can get here.”

As I was leaping out of the car I heard a scream that did not stop. Running across the medium from our side of the road was a hysterical woman. Beloved grabbed her and held on as she continued screaming and crying, garbled words that began to paint a picture. Her husband was in the truck. She had been in the car just ahead of him.

By now a couple of other cars had stopped and we saw that the man in the truck was able to talk a little. A fire extinguisher was retrieved from one of the cars. Someone found a piece of aluminum from the camper and held it up to shield sun from the trapped man. And I just hung on to the sobbing and terrified woman.

As from instinct I began to pray with all of my heart, soul and mind. “Save him! Save him!” were all the words that came forth.  At that time another car stopped and a young woman came running to the scene. “I am a doctor,” she said. And then a man came by my side and quietly asked if we could pray. We held hands, my other arm securely around the crying woman, and we prayed together. We asked the Lord to rescue the man and save him from injury. We asked that the lady would be comforted. We asked that the rescue crew would arrive soon. And then he walked away

The entire rescue crew had arrived within twenty-five minutes, the jaws-of-life being the last and most critical to get to the scene.  The team of ten first responders worked for at least twenty-five minutes trying to free the entrapped man.  Finally the door was cut off and the roof disengaged. Ten arms carefully pulled him from the wreckage and loaded him into the awaiting ambulance.  The woman went with one of the policemen and we continued our travels, shaken and yet thankful for all of the people who had been there to help. We continued to pray throughout the day for the family not knowing for sure if the man had survived or not.

The next morning I called the Shelby Sheriff’s department and inquired about the man.  “Oh he is just fine!”, the officer said, “They are all just fine!”

I wish I had the eyes of Elisha who could see the armies of heaven gathered around.  I would like to see what was REALLY going on during that whole time, I mean what was going on in heaven, and what were the spiritual forces taking place on earth. How did a man survive such a horrific ordeal with no permanent damage? Was it just blind luck or were there angels protecting him for some reason?  And what part does prayer play in such a case, any part or perhaps all parts? Were we there for such a time as this? I do not know the answer to these questions, but I do ponder.  And yet in it all we both feel like we witnessed a miracle and are more grateful than words can say for the power of God to save a man.

2 Kings 6: 17

Then Elisha prayed, “O Lord I pray open his eyes that he might see. And the Lord opened the servants eyes and he saw and behold the mountain was full of horses and the chariots of fire all around.”



Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Big Love

Big Love

Lily, my eleven year old granddaughter, sent me a text message last night. It included a piece of art she had created. It was lovely and so for the next five minutes, we texted back and forth. The conversation went like this:

Lily: Hi Mimi, this is Lily I made this (picture was included)

Me: How did you do this?  It is beautiful!

Lily: There is an app were you take a picture and you get to write on it and put stuff all over it.

Me: WOW! You are Princess Lily, the creative royalty!

Lily: Thanks QM (Queen Mother) you are amazing!

Me: I love you more bunches than you can imagine.

Lily: I love u too QM!

Me: But I love you more….always!

Lily: And I know you do!

Me: Good night Sweet Girl

Lily: Good night QM!

Did you notice those words “And I know you do!” When I read those I was simply over come with her absolute assurance of it all.  SHE KNOWS her QM loves her. And she KNOWs her QM loves her better than she could ever love me. She is absolutely confident in that love and she knows it will be there for always.

I am reading John Piper’s wonderful book “What Jesus Demands of the World”.  Jesus really does command us to abide in His love.  It has a staying power, that we are to stay, continue in, be in the love of Christ.  It is a radical idea for an adult although I do believe children grasp it better than we older ones do.  Of course one of the reasons He calls us to such a dramatic, life changing command is so that His love will pour though us not only back to Him but on to others. And in so many ways all throughout Scripture He is saying “I love you better.” Nothing proves this more than the cross, nothing. And yet as I truly delight in the fact that Lily knows I love her best,  I so often find God calling me to understand that He really DOES love me best, far more than I could ever love Him or anyone else. Paul says it well:

“Who can separate us from the love of Christ? … For I am convinced  that neither death, nor life, nor angels,  nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus.”  Romans 8: 35, 38-9


Monday, August 19, 2013

Who’s the Boss

“You are not the boss of me!” I heard those words some months ago coming from the mouth of a small child who was having a temper tantrum. She was saying this to her mother…who really WAS the boss of her! Since then I have heard those words used often usually in jest and yet I find them sobering and thought provoking. Who IS the boss of me?

Jenna, my oldest daughter, stopped by recently with her two boys, Colter (age 11) and Eli (age 8). Eli asked his mom if he could have a Pepsi, knowing that Mimi always has them in her refrigerator. The answer was “no”. Then Colter, thinking he might have more influence, being the older, asked the same question. Again Jenna said “no”. Then he turned to me and asked if perhaps he could PLEASE have a Pepsi. I replied that his mother had said no and so I must abide with her decision. “But” he replied, “YOU are the boss of her!!” I had to laugh. Colter did not realize that as a parent, I had given up my “boss” role when his mother stepped out on her own and indeed the day will come when he will no longer look to mom to be the boss of him.

But who is the boss? For all of you Christians I know you will immediately respond that, of course, it is Jesus Christ. But I can look at my life and see there were times when I boldly said to the Creator of the universe “You aren’t the boss of me!” My feelings were hurt and I wanted to stay mad. Jesus said, “Pat, I want you to forgive”. And though I would NEVER voice my thoughts out loud, I do by my actions. “You aren’t the boss of me!” And as ridiculous as it seemed to me listening to a small child tell her mother “you aren’t the boss..’, it is far more ridiculous to hear an adult (me) say those words to the all powerful, all present, all knowing and yes all merciful and loving GOD”.

One thing I have learned is that I am NOT a good “boss of me”. I want to stay mad and not forgive. So who gets hurt? Me! I want to spend more money than I have. Who gets hurt? Me. I want to use people and love things instead of using things and loving people and who gets hurt? You know the answer. I want to take and not give, talk and not listen, sit and not serve, play and not work and all of that leads to a place I really do not want to be. No, one thing is for sure…I am not a good “boss of me”.

But then there IS a good boss, no, He is the best Boss. He calls Himself the Good Shepherd. A shepherd leads and guides and protects and provides. Above all He can be trusted because He is truth personified. And in so many ways He calls to us, “Let Me be the Boss of you. I will lead you to green pastures; I will lead you beside still waters. I will give you rest and peace and if you will but listen and obey, I will give you abundant life. Let Me be the Boss of you.”

Is life not working for you? Perhaps you just might need a new “Boss of you”.

Psalm 23:1
The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Flat Tires and Faithful Service

It is not that I get excited about Camp Mimi each year but I do start planning three months in advance! This year an added benefit was having Sydney (the oldest) take the role of Junior Camp Counselor. She is thirteen and a whiz on the computer and full of more creative ideas than I have had in my entire life. It was going to be a great camp!

But on Monday, Colter was imitating Evil Knieivel on his bike and crashed, thus requiring nine stitches. Tuesday, Syd got new braces (ouch) and then that evening I was rear-ended on the expressway thus totaling my car and stressing my back. Camp was to begin the next day at 8:00 AM.

When I went to the rental car dealer at 8:00 on Wednesday I decided to ask for a car that held 7 passengers. I got one that held nine…a huge luxury extended-cab Suburban (truck!) with every bell and whistle imaginable!! It was the perfect way to travel with five children! So I picked the kids up and we took off for Rock City in Chattanooga. Three hours later, full of great memories we headed for Lake Lanier and our “home” for the next three days. As we were coming across the mountains of North Georgia, on back roads far from what appeared to me civilization, I had a flat tire. I mean FLAT! The lights that came on first said “tire low” and then immediately the car began shaking and making an incredibly loud noise. So what does a girl do in that situation? She prays like crazy and keeps on moving. About a mile down the road we found a Marathon Station. I must say I was greatly relieved, so I pulled in, thanking God all the way. I called the AAA number for that area but got no answer. I went back to the car to try to decide what to do next and there standing by the car was an older gentleman. He was thin and had on work clothes. He hardly said a word, but just climbed under the car, then came out again and lifted the hood and then asked for the car manual.

After reading for a couple of minutes, he got busy. We helped him empty the back of the car that was full of fishing poles, suitcases, bags and boxes and backpacks. He found the tire jack compartment crawled back under the car and for the next forty-five minutes worked in virtual silence, although the kids and I kept thanking him.

Now when I took Drivers Ed in high school (yes, they DID have cars then) I was taught how to change a tire. It was not rocket science. But because of our great innovations and progress now it really DOES take a rocket scientist to change a tire! I simply marveled at the complexity of it all and also the persistence and endurance of the gentleman who pressed on to finish the job. It was back breaking, complicated and difficult. And yet he never showed signs of walking away but just kept on working.

At last the new tire was on, the old tire was in the back and all the bags and poles and suitcases were on top. As we were putting the last of the bags in, the man simply disappeared. I found him back in the gas station paying for some items and again thanked him and told him I did not have cash on me but would so like to send him money for his time, skill and expertise. His reply startled me. “It was the least I could do, Ma’am. No payment necessary.” And with that he walked away.

As I serve Christ, I so want to have that same attitude. When I serve others I want that same attitude. When I serve my family I want that same attitude. Because in essence, when I serve I am doing it in obedience and out of love for Christ and to Him I say, “No payment necessary. It is the least I can do”.

Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father.
Colossians 3:16-18

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Our “In Spite Of” God

It was a disappointment for sure. Our family looks forward all year to the Fourth of July. We belong to a small community of old trailers (like ours) and new homes that is called the Athen’s Boat Club. It sits on Lake Lanier and every Fourth of July we all celebrate big time. There is a fishing tournament for the kids. There is a golf cart parade and we all see how we can out-do each other by decorating our carts with the most crepe paper and American flags. We hang flags and banners on the cottage porches and pavilion. We feast on barbeque and beans, slaw, cornbread, pies and cakes together and then of course the day concludes with a massive fireworks display which is enjoyed from the myriad of boats. It is a big deal and a whole lot of fun.

The grandkids are old enough now to really take part, in fact take over. They come prepared with banners and hats and more flags and streamers for the cart. The Hughes clan came from Alabama two days early so they could help us “get ready” and enjoy some lake and boat time.

But then the weather forecast began to look ominous, and as the day drew closer we knew there was no way our traditional Fourth would take place. The rain began on Monday and it poured. Tuesday was the same. Wednesday there was a small break and so the Hughes and Harleys optimistically packed a picnic lunch and took off in the boat to explore the northern tip of Lake Lanier, some five miles away. As we approached our destination the temperature dropped significantly and then the rain hit us with great force. This was not your average rain, but gale force torrents. We flew home as fast as the boat could go and arrived drenched and freezing.

The Cavins joined us for an early breakfast on the morning of the Fourth. This year Sydney (age 13) had her outfit picked out four weeks in advance and had designed each granddaughter’s hair style for the parade, so she arrived with her curling iron in hand. All the boys brought their fishing poles and plenty of fishing gear. But then news spread that the parade was canceled and there would be no fishing tournament that day. So we watched the rain. Then we ate barbeque in the rain (some things just have to go on no matter what!). And then we spent the afternoon running outside when there was a break and running inside when the rain started up again. And then the fireworks were canceled. No, nothing was the same and I was so disappointed.

Later that evening when the day was over, the Cavins packed up their clan to drive back to their home and beds. It was at this point that Sydney wrapped her arms around me and said, “You know Mimi, it wasn’t what we expected but in spite of the rain it was a fabulous day!”

I have thought about those three small words since then. These past few weeks we have had to proof the twenty- four teaching DVDs for the new Be Amazing Bible Study and Practical Guide. There is not one teacher who is satisfied with her presentation. Oh, it is not just that we don’t like our hair or shoes, or the way we stand or sit. No, we can often be disappointed in ourselves or when things are not what we expected, nor as perfect as we wished. Each one of us is critical of our own work. But then there are those three words…“in spite of”… and they make all the difference.

So in spite of our weakness, in spite of our imperfections, in spite of our lack of ability, in spite of our clothes or looks or demeanor or inflections, or gestures…in spite of …there is GOD! And we have found through filming The Amazing Collection and Invincible Love/Invisible War, that God can use our small efforts “in spite of” all that may disappoint us in ways that we could not have imagined. He can take those small loaves and can multiply them for His glory and His glory alone...“in spite of”!

Matthew 14:17 “We have here only five loaves and two fishes.”
Matthew 14:20 “And they picked up what was left over of the broken pieces,
twelve full baskets.”

Thursday, June 20, 2013

A Christ-like Life

The discussion question was a good one. “Who do you know, or have known, who best exemplifies Christ?” The list that popped into my head was a good one. Of course at the top of my list was Beloved and then various saints who have come in and out of my life through the years. But I finally landed on my grandfather. In my eyes he was truly “like Christ”. I remember having a conversation with my aging Aunt Kathleen who was in her nineties at the time. Grandpop had long since left this earth. As we were sitting in her living room one evening discussing our family history she said “You know, Grandpop (her father-in-law) was the most Christ-like man I have ever known.” She went on to share story after story of a man who faced adversity with grace, who gave up everything without complaint, who loved and served his wife though a debilitating disease left her an invalid for the last fifteen years of her life.


My grandfather was successful. He held a high position in the railroad. He owned a small tobacco plantation. He had a lovely home in the city. He was highly respected in the community. He was on the board of directors at the local bank. He had four handsome sons and two beautiful daughters. He seemed to have it all.

And then everything changed. His oldest son, Jack died at the age of twelve unexpectedly from Typhoid Fever. Then someone embezzled a large sum of money from the bank, before banks were insured and so the Board of Directors chose to come up with the stolen funds. Grandpop sold his plantation with all monies going to the bank. Then the depression hit and with that came the loss of their large beautiful home. He simply packed up the house and family and moved them to a two bedroom bungalow in a not so nice neighborhood. By now most of the children were grown. And then his beloved wife developed Rheumatoid Arthritis and for the next fifteen years until her death was bedridden, unable to do the simplest things for herself, in constant pain and suffering.

All people will experience some loss. It might be financial. It might be health. It might be the loss of a loved one. But few people suffer quite as much loss as Grandpop. And yet it wasn’t the loss that was so extraordinary. It was his response. I never knew him to speak ill of anyone. I never knew him to show anger over the injustices of his losses. I never knew him to have anything but a happy countenance.

I never knew him to show anything to anyone but true love. He was gentle, winsome, loyal to friends, a servant to his wife, not to mention, an exceptional gardener. In his presence even the most hyperactive grandchild would feel calm. There was never hurry or panic and worry or anxiety. Yes, he would be my first choice for the “Most Christ-Like Award”.

I have been doing an in-depth study this summer on the life of Christ. A couple of weeks ago I told you about a magnificent book written by John MacArthur called “One Perfect Life” which came out this year. It is a masterpiece. I am devouring it, moving slowly from page to page and I am beginning to see Christ as never before. Above all, I see his attitude as he deals with constant misunderstanding and rejection. I see his great willingness to heal and to teach and to preach even those who mock him. And I see his self sacrifice, always giving to others even when completely exhausted. I see the losses of friends, respect, reputation, rest, and finally life. I am beginning to see even more the extraordinary greatness of the God/man as he walked on earth.

I look at my Grandpop and wonder at how he did it. One clue is that he spent every morning in the Word of God focusing on the One he wanted to emulate. If his life is any example I would say it worked.

1 Peter 1:15-16
But as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, because it is written,
“Be holy, for I am holy.”

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Lily wasn’t invited to the birthday party. Though the neighbor kids (5 of them) spend most of their waking hours at Lily’s family’s home, the ten year old did not include Lily on her guest list. She did hand out an invitation to another girl in front of Lily. She also sent her younger sister to invite one of Lily’s friends who was playing at Lily’s home. 

Lily is my granddaughter. She is ten, gentle natured, loving and well, beautiful. I have never heard her say a bad thing about anyone, even on this occasion. And now, someone was excluding her. I talked to Lily’s mom, and expressed my opinion (you can imagine what THAT was!). After all someone was behaving in a hurtful manner and the target just happened to be one of those I love dearly? I had visions of giving the thoughtless child a piece of my mind and perhaps punching her out. Now don’t act shocked! If you are a mother I KNOW you have had the same reaction when someone has hurt YOUR child. Three days after the party, Lily was in charge of making the dessert for the family. She chose a particularly good cookie, one that only made about fifteen. After everyone had enjoyed the dessert, Lily announced that she was taking the rest of the cookies to the “enemy”. (My word not hers) And so she packed up the cookies and delivered them with good cheer and loving kindness. 

And I marvel. 

Today I was reading the beatitudes and came across something I had never picked up on before. It goes like this: “Blessed are you when men hate you and persecute you and when they EXCLUDE you….. Rejoice in that day and be exceedingly glad and leap for joy! For indeed your reward is great in heaven..” (Luke 6:22-3 NKJ) 

And I realized that Christ was often excluded, talked about behind His back, and treated unfairly. Yet He knew the secret that He wants us to know. Love those who hurt you. Love them well. 

The Christian life truly is impossible. That sin nature that likes to rear its ugly head still reveals on occasion that I am walking around with a constant battle taking place with me! I want to always take cookies to those who hurt me or malign me or exclude me. I want to always think the best of everyone and rejoice when those feelings get squashed. I want to respond in the same way Lily did. But I don’t always do it. 

Now I am not so naive to think that Lily will always choose to send cookies to the one who has excluded her. Life will become crueler and harsher. But for today she has exposed her Mimi’s sin nature and I have repented in sack cloth and ashes. How much more beautiful is a garland of love than a string of strong accusations. And bottom line – there is a reward and it is not here, not yet. 

So for today, I have put on a heart of love for the neighbor child. There WILL be another test. I am planning on passing the next one with flying colors, and I think I can as long as I keep my eye on that promised prize! 

“For indeed your reward is great in heaven.”
 Luke 6:23

Friday, May 10, 2013

Chasing Cats

Jim would NOT come in. It was time for bed and Beloved and I were tired but Jim refused to come. Oh he heard us calling. In fact he would run right past us and not even look our way. He was focused and nothing would deter him from his mission. And so we went to bed and left him outside. 

Jim is our dog. He is a good dog. But he had caught the scent of a cat and that changed everything. So we left him outside to continue his frantic roaming. 

About every two hours I would wake up, go to the door and call him. I could hear the jingling of the tags on his collar. I knew he was close by yet even though I called him in my most commanding voice, he would not acknowledge me. By 3:00 AM I could not only hear his jingling collar but I could also hear his extreme heavy panting, yet he would not cease his endless striving. 

At 6:00 AM Beloved got up for the morning and went to the door. Jim literally dragged his exhausted body over the door sill and dropped in his tracks on the floor. His tongue was hanging out and his panting was so severe I thought he would die and his eyes were glazed over and he could not lift his head or wag his tail. He simply could not move. He did not eat breakfast. He did not have his bone for lunch. He did not want a chew toy. He did not eat his supper. He did not move all day. Jim had worn himself out, he was totally spent. 

And the cat? She sat out in the side yard relaxed, happy, calm, licking her paws. She had had a good night’s rest up in the tree. 

Sometimes I can give so much for so little. And sometimes there IS a voice calling, come and rest, come to bed and cease that crazy striving. 

Psalm 4:4 
Meditate within your heart on your bed, and be still. Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, and put your trust in the Lord.

Friday, May 3, 2013


Retreat (ri-treet) v. to withdraw after being defeated or when faced with danger or difficulty, to go away to a place of shelter. Retreat n. withdrawal unto privacy or seclusion, a place for this. A period of withdrawal from worldly activities for prayer and meditation. 

Last week I had the privilege of going on a prayer retreat with our Sunday School class. I “withdrew from difficulty”. I went to “a place of shelter” and “withdrew into privacy or seclusion”. It was a “place of withdrawal from worldly activity for prayer and meditation”. Retreat. Rest. Refreshment. Restoration. Renewal. Heaven! 

Many years ago I took my leadership team to a resort not too far from Atlanta. It was quiet with chalets nestled around a small lake. We had spent the afternoon together followed by dinner at a nearby restaurant. That evening as we gathered for dessert in one of the cabins I announced that the next day we would be enjoying a day of silence. In other words we would not speak from the time we got up until six o’clock that evening when we would once again meet for dinner. The response was interesting. I can’t say any one of the twelve women thought that was a good idea. Was it fear of boredom or wasted time? Or was it fear of just being alone for so long? Or was it just the unknown? After all we are very close friends and the chance to get together was always a treat. Our previous retreats had always involved a speaker and discussion. Silence was NOT what anyone expected…and yet, because I am the leader (?) they reluctantly agreed. 

It was during those twelve hours that I learned a valuable lesson. Silence really is golden. My mind began to calm down and be undivided and I could think clearly. My body began to truly relax. Prayer came easily and because I wasn’t in a hurry, I could read the Word slowly and deliberately. And in that silence, time seemed to stand still and I truly experienced the presence of God and true fellowship with Him. 

As we gathered together that evening the report was the same. All of the ladies had found it to be invaluable. They too had experienced so much of what I had. In that quiet place, God had met them there. 

I should not have been surprised. God tell us clearly in his word, “Be STILL and KNOW that I am God.” But this weekend I picked up more motivation that I had somehow missed these many years. Jesus says when we pray we should go into an inner room, close the door and pray in secret. And our Father in heaven who hears us in secret will repay or reward us. Amazing! 

Lance Brady was our speaker at the prayer retreat this weekend. He gave four great messages encouraging us to become praying people, to make prayer a priority in our lives. It was during his unpacking of this verse that the word “repay” hit my heart. Lance explained that God understands the conflict in our souls, the seemingly waste of time silence and isolation may appear, but God says He will reward us for secret time in the closet. I want to know God. 

I want a reward. Perhaps the reward is that I will truly come to know God in a ever deepening way. And that would be the best reward of all. 

But you, when you pray, go into your inner room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees in secret, will repay you 
Matthew 6:6

Friday, April 26, 2013

One Perfect Life

One of my professors, the late Dr. Howard Hendricks, said we would do well to spend our whole lives studying the life of Jesus Christ. It is not only an inspiration but a statement of challenge. How many of us have actually spent even more than a few months studying the complete life of Jesus?

For the last couple of years I have wanted to do an in-depth study of Jesus, the man. What was it like to be with Him, to be taught by Him and to learn from His example? He was a man…God, yes, but God in human form. And because of that He did have emotions, He did get tired and yet He chose to do the Father’s will at all points. 

I want to see Him, really see Him as He was, as He is, at the wedding at Cana, walking on water, healing the leper. For so many months other responsibilities and studies have bogged me down. Yet now seminary is behind me, the Be Amazing Study is ready to go to print and I have a little free time. I want to become familiar with Christ’s travels and what the places were like that He visited and exactly what did He do in each one of those cities, towns and villages. I want to “see His face” when He healed the leper and I want to “see” the leper” when he realized a life of isolation, pain, poverty and sorrow were behind him. I want to experience the conversation with the woman at the well and see the results as the townspeople came rushing out to meet Him. 

I was reading World Magazine recently and they highlighted a new book by John MacArthur, 'One Perfect Life'. He has always been an author who could take hard things and put them into words I could understand. I bought it immediately and have been drinking in every word! It is a masterpiece. He has arranged all of the verses in the Bible that have to do with Jesus in chronological order. Then because he knew I was easily distracted, he has sectioned the book into smaller “bites”, smaller chapters. So my goal is to “see Jesus” and from that develop an even deeper love for Jesus the Man, Jesus our God and Jesus my dearest friend. . . 

If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; 
John 14:7a

Thursday, April 18, 2013


Did you hear the cheers? I have a hunch some came from heaven, more came from my assistant professor who grades my papers and has helped me in several ways, many came from my family, but the most came from me! At 5:12 PM yesterday I pressed “send”, and with that my last paper went to Dallas Theological Seminary where I have been student on and off for about 13 years. Along with the paper and assurance that I have completed all of the course work, came an enormous sense of relief. I have lived under the pressure of papers, readings and projects due for a long time now. When you are paying $1500 to take one class per semester the pressure to get all you can get out of the experience is heightened. Though I have enjoyed much of it and have learned a great deal, I have also seldom had the luxury of just reading for fun, or wasting time on the frivolous or lingering in a shop. Why? Because there was something hanging over my head, one more thing I had to finish, one more text book I had to read. You know the feeling if you have had any experience with the education system. Even fourth graders know what I am talking about!

And so with the press of the send button on my computer, my life instantly became less complicated, less frenzied, less demanding. I am looking forward to having some free time, some me-time, and some friend time. I have graduated.

The whole concept of graduation is intriguing. The word itself means “a process of gradual change”. Yet with some graduations the change takes place quickly. Years ago I attended my granddaughter’s preschool graduation ceremony. It had all of the pageantry one can expect from four year olds. Yet in her life little changed. But it won’t be long before that same grandchild will be graduating from High School and then college and that will bring about enormous changes in her life.

My “graduation” will be May 10 and after that I will receive a piece of paper that says I have completed the course work for a Certificate in Graduate Studies from Dallas Theological Seminary. For me, little will change except the satisfaction of knowing I accomplished a goal. So sometimes graduation brings about an enormous change in life and sometimes, like my degree and the preschool certificate, little changes.

But there is coming a day, when I will graduate from this world into the next. It will be the ultimate graduation, the ultimate change. All that I do now is simply course work for what is to come. Sometimes it is very hard (reminds me of my Soteriology class that just about did me in) and sometimes it is simply pure joy (like Dynamics of Christian Leadership). Yet everything is in preparation for THAT day. I have come to see that a life worth living is never free from pressure. I don’t want to graduate with a D- but would so love to graduate with honors…honors for the One who is my all. I have a chance to spend my class time on earth working for the glory of Jesus Christ. And Scripture tells me there will not be a diploma waiting for me but perhaps a crown and the voice of the one I love saying, ”Well done good and faithful servant.” And then all of the work, time and sacrifice will be worth it. Graduation Day is coming!

2 Timothy 4:7
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness….

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Pay Attention

I wasn’t paying attention. I was driving to my dermatologist’s offices and was paying little attention to where I was going. I had a lot of things bartering for attention in my brain. I had groceries to buy and a house to clean and three papers to finish for seminary and …the list goes on so I won’t bore you. But the point is I WAS NOT PAYING ATTENTION.

I had just turned on Westside Parkway and decided that if I turned left at the light I might be able to land somewhere near where I was going. And so without thinking I made a left turn. Just as I got half of my 1998 Toyota Forerunner into oncoming traffic, a Chevy Malibu came out of nowhere and ran right into me.

Many thoughts descended upon my brain at once. Here are a few:
  1. Hey…how come HE did that!
  2. He should have turned into the other lane and missed me.
  3. He should have stopped sooner.
  4. He wasn’t paying attention.
  5. He…he...he…
But then as I sat there reeling, reality set in. I WAS WRONG. It was totally my fault. Though I wanted more than anything to blame it all on the other guy, the truth was the blame was all mine. I was NOT paying attention and ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Distractions come so easily and can cost us dearly. For me it is a large fine and a dented car that doesn’t look smart. But I have thought often of how blessed I was that I did not kill someone. It leaves me shaken. Sometimes the consequences of not paying attention can be lifelong and even eternal. Busyness can distract me from the Word. Outside activities can distract me from the home. Work can distract me from intimacy with my husband. And blaming others can distract me from owning up to my mistakes and dealing with them in a mature and wise way.

Proverbs 5:1 gives us some good advice:

My son, pay attention to my wisdom;
Lend your ear to my understanding,
That you may preserve discretion,
And your lips may keep knowledge.
Proverbs 5:1

So are you paying attention? The consequences could be greater than you could ever imagine.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


There is something secure about hanging on to our stuff. And it apparently makes interesting script as now we have television shows of people who have taken this (hoarding) to an art form…with dismal results. But the truth is, it is hard to share. I see that in my grandchildren….when they were two or three all of them had such a hard time with this concept. And so they got older and we hounded them out of much of the selfishness. Now when they have a friend over they will share (perhaps for only a short time) their stuff. Sharing is indeed hard.

I know adults who won’t share no matter what and they feel justified in doing so. And as we look at THOSE people, I confess I think it is not an attractive character trait. It is small. It is selfish. It is greedy. Yet, lurking within me (and I bet you!) I can still find myself hanging on to my stuff.

Several years ago I longed for a large van that would hold me and my family and all their friends. I wanted a blue one yet knew it was an impossibility as it was far out of our price range. Beloved spotted one on a used car lot, swung in, found it was absolutely do-able, bought the car and it was mine. I named it Big Blue. It had every bell and whistle on it AND it was diesel which meant we got about 30 miles to a gallon. I Loved, loved, loved my van!

So the day came when I got a phone call from the youth pastor. He wanted to borrow MY VAN for a week, load it with a bunch of unruly (my term) teenagers and drive it hundreds of miles away for a youth camp. My first thought was “ARE YOU KIDDING?!!” My hand gripped tightly around the phone as I said “Hmmm… let me pray about it!” - which simply meant- “Not a chance!”

Beloved thinks different than I do and for that I am grateful. He said, “Well, of course they can use it! After all it belongs to God!”

Really? I thought it belonged to me!

So I pried my fingers off the van and gave the youth pastor the keys and watched Big Blue go out of the driveway knowing full well it would never be the same! And it wasn’t.

One week later it came back. The seat belt holders were both broken. There was a slight stain on the beautiful blue carpet. No, it wasn’t the same. But in some ways it was better. It came back with stories of such adventures and great fun. The trip had been an awesome success and lives had been changed. And soon word got out that Big Blue was available and from then on it was used by everyone. Friends took it on vacation. Youth groups felt it was theirs and used it often. Others used it to move from one place to another or haul large things in it. And our family had awesome and made great memories in Big Blue. And in the end it went to college with Cameron. After she and Jay were married and living in the tiniest apartment on campus, we are sure it became a guest room.

Letting go can be hard. But hoarding our stuff can be even more painful because it enslaves us. Looking back, I can’t even begin to list the great blessings Big Blue was to so many people and through their blessings we were blessed. It totally freed me up to say yes anytime and every time someone asked for it. It became a pleasure.

A month ago we asked Matt and Leslie Buchholz if we could use their gorgeous, totally fabulous home for filming all of the Be Amazing teaching segments. This would require them, along with their baby and three year old, to move out of their home for five days. There would be about twenty-five people in their home during that time using their kitchen, rearranging their furniture, using their electricity and anything else that was needed. They did not hesitate. They simply said “Sure”. And so they packed up and moved out and we and our film crew moved in.

They understand something that took me years to grasp. Everything DOES belong to God and should be used for His glory and for the betterment of others. And of course it will never be the same. In taking down some equipment a chunk of the wall came off. We tracked in dirt and even though everyone tried to be ultra careful, things did not remain the same. They were different.

BUT, in it all, God received the glory and soon we will have twenty-four teaching sessions that we pray will change the way women think about their roles, their families and their homes. And there were twenty-five people who stood in awe of Matt and Leslie Buchholz. They have served as a great example for the rest of us. Share! It is worth it!

A most enormous thanks to Matt and Leslie for serving as such an awesome picture of Jesus Christ to all of us who took part in the filming of Be Amazing. For sure you both truly are!

Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
Luke 6:38

Monday, March 11, 2013

A Great Team-A Great Work

I am taking my last class at Dallas Theological Seminary. It is on the Dynamics of Leadership. I love it…mainly because I agree with everything I am being taught! But one of the points from this week’s lesson has really spoken to me. The point was this: “Few great things are accomplished by one person.” Now just think about that for a minute. I know you will immediately come up with great artists like Michelangelo. He probably worked alone. And yes there was Hemmingway but those guys are few and far between. Let’s think a bit grander. How about space travel? And then there are automobiles and complex computer systems and great hospitals and football teams. Actually my list is way too long for a blog but you get the idea. Great things DO happen when a team of people who are bent on a goal work together in harmony to achieve a singular purpose.

Last Monday our “team” sat at my dining room table for about the hundredth time and poured over every detail of yet another teaching lesson for the Be Amazing Study. It is SO tedious. You can tell who the detail folks are: Eleanor and Traci. Ok that is only two but that is all we need. Then there are those who fade out after about three hours: Michele and Linda. And then there are the rest of us: Robin, and me who can easily support Linda’s and Michele’s plea to wrap it up! But we have pressed on to MANY hours on enough occasions that our heads were spinning and we walked away exhausted and went home to do the cooking and laundry and grocery shopping, etc that is part of our life! This May marks two years we have worked on this project and it will be many more months until it is complete.

We have “perfected” twenty-four lessons and have one (an introduction) go. And then we will begin working on our final talks for filming the end of March. So for the next two weeks the schedule will be tight and much will be demanded of us. God has answered so many of our requests! Wonderful Anita Renfroe graciously filmed 24 -2 minute segments for us. Today we have much of the funding we need, all through prayer. And He has kept us focused and united.

BUT as I look back over our time spent working as a team I marvel at how much we have accomplished. We have six minds pooling thoughts and ideas together. We have six set of eyes looking at the grammar and format of each page in the workbook. We have sensitive ones who can pick up an innuendo from the page that does not inspire the soul. We have those who can encourage the rest of us to press on and together we have a vision.

The Bible says “Where there is no vision the people perish”, but I know we have pushed the walls out on this vision. We are dreaming big. No, we are dreaming so big it can only be a heavenly work if it is accomplished. I hope you are sitting down and I pray you will not laugh. We are asking God to “turn the hearts of women back to their home and to an attitude of righteousness to prepare a people for the coming of the Lord”. (Luke 1:17) That’s it. And so every week we lay that before the Throne of Grace and ask the Lord to hear and answer our prayer.

Won’t you join us?

…the whole body, being fitted and held together by what every joint supplies, according to the proper working of each individual part, causes the growth of the body
for the building up of itself in love.
Ephesians 4:16

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

New Year, New Adventure

We put the Christmas decorations away a couple of days ago. The house goes from looking festive, shiny, simply screaming out “party”, to simple, quiet and calming. It is always a letdown in many ways and yet there is a part of me that is tired of sugar coated everything (I can’t believe I am saying that!) and festivating (my new word and yes, you may use it) and am ready for a schedule, a purpose and a plan. I am ready for a bit of calmness and reflection and quiet. It is not that I don’t love, love, love Christmas. I DO! Every single part of it, but after too much of everything …shopping, spending, eating, partying ,late nights and later mornings, …I am ready for real life to return.

And so this week, I am back at my desk, no cookies in sight ( well there is a box of toffee sitting just out of reach that Bevy so graciously made and brought in yesterday) and back to focusing on Big Dream Ministries and the New Year. I have always thought there is great freedom in following hard after God and a very special freedom in leading a ministry that never moves unless we clearly sense a “Go” from the Good Shepherd. It really puts the future in His hands. Will the ministry grow or will it be no more? Will we be able to produce one more study or twenty or none? We don’t know.

But in this great freedom I confess that there is occasional anxiety. I want to know every curve, every fork, and every detour along the way. I want to know for sure where we are going and what it will be like when we get there. I want to know the future and sometimes can’t understand why every now and then God won’t pull the curtain back a little bit for me to see it. But then this Christmas I think in some ways He did that.

While I was reading the Christmas story for about the tenth time this month I was caught off guard with one verse. An angel of the Lord appeared to Zechariah while he was doing his priestly duties in the temple and informed the old man that he was going to have a son by his equally old wife. And then he said this…now pay attention to these words...

“And it is he who will go as a forerunner before Him (Jesus) in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers back to their children, and the disobedient to the attitude of the righteous; so as to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.” Luke 1:17-18

Turn hearts… turn the disobedient…..prepare for the Lord. There it was. A clear summary of what we are trying to accomplish through our new study, “Be Amazing”. We want to turn the hearts of women back to their families, their children, their husbands…and turn them to an attitude of righteousness, of obedience. And the reason is a good one. Christ is coming soon. So we may be able to be a small tool that can prepare a people for His return.

So what would that look like practically? Well it would pretty much put an end to abortions, not because there would be no “unwanted babies”, there simply would not be babies that were not wanted. There would be marriage and in that environment children would be born…not a by-product of a one night stand or casual sex without marriage, but the child would be a welcomed member of society. A woman WOULD have control over her own body and she would choose to control it until there was a safe and loving family in which to bring a child.

There would be an enormous dent in pornography if women chose to keep their clothes on, to exhibit no behavior that would cause lust, to behave in ways that demanded and received respect. Sorry Hugh Hefner, you would have to take the bathrobe off and put on a suit and go get a job doing something other than using women for your own purposes. Teens would put sexting aside for perhaps higher goals other than exploiting their bodies, and in doing so may even gain more respect for themselves.

And perhaps home would cease being war zones or drop-off stations. There would actually be someone there creating a refuge, a calm place for not only love to grow but also character and integrity development. Perhaps there could be exceptional kindness and a greater value on wisdom and sensibility.

And perhaps children would not have gaping holes in their soul that are frantically trying to be filled with sex and drugs and alcohol. Perhaps they could look to their mother as the best example on how to live life wholly and successfully.

And perhaps on the day when that trumpet blows, there will be a huge army of women answering the call and leaving behind a nation that was blessed greatly by their very presence. Just perhaps.

The wise woman builds her house…..
Proverbs 14:1