Monday, August 19, 2013

Who’s the Boss

“You are not the boss of me!” I heard those words some months ago coming from the mouth of a small child who was having a temper tantrum. She was saying this to her mother…who really WAS the boss of her! Since then I have heard those words used often usually in jest and yet I find them sobering and thought provoking. Who IS the boss of me?

Jenna, my oldest daughter, stopped by recently with her two boys, Colter (age 11) and Eli (age 8). Eli asked his mom if he could have a Pepsi, knowing that Mimi always has them in her refrigerator. The answer was “no”. Then Colter, thinking he might have more influence, being the older, asked the same question. Again Jenna said “no”. Then he turned to me and asked if perhaps he could PLEASE have a Pepsi. I replied that his mother had said no and so I must abide with her decision. “But” he replied, “YOU are the boss of her!!” I had to laugh. Colter did not realize that as a parent, I had given up my “boss” role when his mother stepped out on her own and indeed the day will come when he will no longer look to mom to be the boss of him.

But who is the boss? For all of you Christians I know you will immediately respond that, of course, it is Jesus Christ. But I can look at my life and see there were times when I boldly said to the Creator of the universe “You aren’t the boss of me!” My feelings were hurt and I wanted to stay mad. Jesus said, “Pat, I want you to forgive”. And though I would NEVER voice my thoughts out loud, I do by my actions. “You aren’t the boss of me!” And as ridiculous as it seemed to me listening to a small child tell her mother “you aren’t the boss..’, it is far more ridiculous to hear an adult (me) say those words to the all powerful, all present, all knowing and yes all merciful and loving GOD”.

One thing I have learned is that I am NOT a good “boss of me”. I want to stay mad and not forgive. So who gets hurt? Me! I want to spend more money than I have. Who gets hurt? Me. I want to use people and love things instead of using things and loving people and who gets hurt? You know the answer. I want to take and not give, talk and not listen, sit and not serve, play and not work and all of that leads to a place I really do not want to be. No, one thing is for sure…I am not a good “boss of me”.

But then there IS a good boss, no, He is the best Boss. He calls Himself the Good Shepherd. A shepherd leads and guides and protects and provides. Above all He can be trusted because He is truth personified. And in so many ways He calls to us, “Let Me be the Boss of you. I will lead you to green pastures; I will lead you beside still waters. I will give you rest and peace and if you will but listen and obey, I will give you abundant life. Let Me be the Boss of you.”

Is life not working for you? Perhaps you just might need a new “Boss of you”.

Psalm 23:1
The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.

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