Wednesday, October 30, 2013

A God-Fashioned Barn Raisin'

A God-Fashioned Barn Raisin'

The call came from Rosemary our warehouse manager. “We have no more room in the warehouse!” This was not good news as we were expecting a large shipment of workbooks and DVDs for our new Bible Study, “Be Amazing!” At that point I had no idea what we would do but as always God had gone before us and He had a plan.

The following weekend, I was at a large home improvement store with my Beloved and there in the parking lot was a series of “barns” in different sizes. A sign nailed to the side of the largest structure announced “Barn Sale”. So of course I was intrigued and after we had spent some time looking at all of them I was convinced this was what Big Dream needed to fix the storage problem.

Later that evening, Beloved and I discussed the situation and we decided the price was right and so we ordered one of the larger ones to be delivered and built on our property within the following month.  But during that month other expenses emerged. We would need a permit from the city. We would need architectural drawings (who knew!) in order to get the permit. We would need cement posts drilled into the ground and a cement block “foundation”. Before we knew it an additional $1500 had been added to the mix. It was now veering out of our price range.

The following week my car was totaled. No one was hurt but all thoughts of a barn evaporated now that we needed to buy a car. So Beloved called the store and canceled the order. And then what can only be called a “God-incident” occurred.  The store called back and said they would pay for the permit and drawings and foundation. Now this is unheard of and so usual we thought God might be up to something. And He was…far more that we could have ever dreamed. That afternoon, one of our ministry donors called. “I have been praying for the ministry and felt like the Lord was telling me that you have a financial need! I would like to help!” 

And because of a faithful friend of the ministry and a faithful God who provides abundantly more than we could ever hope or think we now have a barn. The last nail will go in this afternoon and it is perfect! In His great kindness He has once again met all of our needs!  To Him be the glory!

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