Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Edit

Edit: to prepare by selecting individual sections and arranging them in sequence.

I like that word. I wish it pertained to life. It allows the editor (person who edits) the ability to place things in a way that is the most understandable. So if I could do that with life, then I would place the end at the beginning of most all of the trials I have known so that it would be easier to understand the “why”. It would relieve much worry and hand wringing.

Then there are those times when unkind words escape from my lips and land on the ear of some unsuspecting soul. I would simply edit those out and no harm would be done. So for sure, editing life would be a good deal and greatly enhance one’s time here on earth.

With every teaching session of The Amazing Collection there had to be some film editing. Each teacher was responsible for editing their own section. We would go to Soteria Productions and sit for hours with Shane Ortiz and cut and paste film bits on a computer until our eyes and ears were rendered useless! We would stagger out blurry eyed and tired but with the hope that all of the cutting and pasting had somehow made things more understandable and…well…better. It was a job I hated. It required details and I am so not into that.

On some occasions we would turn to Eleanor for help. Eleanor was the best at it and is to this day. We have recently completed our twelfth filmed study, Invincible Love/Invisible War and she volunteered (perhaps not by choice) to do all of the editing for those six thirty-five minute sections. She is an absolute whiz as an editor and can find the smallest error and then can figure out how to fix it. I think she is a miracle worker!

The week on December 4, 2002 was one of those “nothing can go wrong” weeks. We had received an invitation to fly to Colorado Springs, Colorado to meet with some of the big people” at Navpress, a Christian Publishing company. We were thrilled beyond words and Sally Shriver and I had been chosen to be the Big Dream Representatives for the trip. We were all pretty much overwhelmed with all God had done to make that trip possible.

Then out of the blue we received an enormous donation of $150,000 to be given to Big Dream over a period of a year. The first check for $50,000 had arrived that week giving us a huge cushion in the bank account. We were sailing alone lapping up the wind God was blowing our way.

About mid week Shane sent me an opener clip for the Early Minor Prophets. I had done these openers for all of the different sets. Though I never had a written script, I would have in my mind what I wanted to say so would just sit down, say it, get up and not give it another thought. On this day I was sitting in my house watching this little clip, just reviewing what I had said and suddenly realized I had left out a significant part! This does not sound like a big deal but we were in the process of editing. The filming had been done weeks ago. There was no turning, no refilming at this point.

So the beatings began. You know what I mean (unless you are one of my perfect friends!). You don’t need for anyone to tell you how stupid you are. You do it to yourself and with every word uttered within your soul there is another “stripe across its back”.

And so in broken humility I sat down with Shane to see what we could do. As far as I was concerned it was all hopeless. But Shane saw things through the eyes of an editor. He began to move a little piece of my talk to another place, then another part put somewhere else and added some of the extra footage that we had taken.

“Finished!”, he said after a few minutes and we reran the film. And there I was looking at the camera and…I WAS MAKING SENSE! I actually looked and talked with some intelligence! And like Eleanor, Shane also proved himself to be a miracle worker.

I wrote in my journal that day, “ God continues to pour out upon us gracious kindness and abundant mercy.” Mercy! Kindness! Both given to those who need it the most.

Ephesians 2:4
But God being rich in mercy because of His great
love with which He loved us..”

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