And so it was on December 9, 2003 that Sally Shriver, a board member and an invaluable asset to the ministry, boarded a plane for Colorado Springs with invitation in hand to meet with the editors and other team members of Navpress, the publishing division of The Navigators.
From the moment we pulled out of my driveway I sensed the presence and blessings of God Himself. The plane to Denver International was full except for the seat between the two of us so we were able to spread out a bit. We were met at the airport by my sister and her husband who treated us to a delicious lunch.
Then we rented a car that was so fun to drive that even the trip to Colorado Springs from Denver was true joy not to mention breathtakingly beautiful. Though the land was covered with snow the roads were clear so we southern girls thought we were getting a little taste of heaven as every where we looked were mountains and majesty.
It was dark when we arrived at Glen Erie, a lovely castle like structure that was built in the late eighteen hundreds and is now a part of the Navigators Ministry and there we spent the next two nights.
The next day we met with the Navpress Team. Dan Rich greeted us at the door and took us on a tour of the building. Every room had stellar views of the surrounding environment of broad vistas and tall mountains. And then he ushered us into a room of about ten people,
At this point we had no idea what to expect. We had been invited, we knew they were interested in The Amazing Collection but apart from that we knew nothing. And so we tried very hard to appear poised and confident, but inside we were scared and fearful and anxious.
Dan began the meeting by directing each of the team members to go around the room and give their impressions of The Amazing Collection. They had certainly done their homework as each one spoke with a familiarity of the study, both the DVDs and the workbook.
And it was at this point that we were blown away. THEY LOVED IT!
We had been in production for two years and even still we were only half way through the project. During that time we had never had any “professional” look at the study with an eye for ministry usefulness. Oh, we had all of our friends look at it and of course they loved it…but then they were our friends and totally prejudiced so their opinions couldn’t be totally trusted. But here were ten PROFESSIONALS who knew the publishing market inside and out, who spent every day going through scripts and books and proposals…and they really, really thought our work was excellent!
I wanted to put my head down on the table and cry for joy. Of course I DID NOT do this because I was trying so hard to look poised and confident…but inside I felt like falling on my face before the Throne of Grace in thanksgiving for a God who had done it all and then gone before us with such blessings that my heart could hardly contain them all!
Two days later when we walked out of those offices with a promised contract and we WERE confident! God had assured us that all of the time and effort over the last two years was worth it all and that He would use it for His glory. We didn’t know how, but we knew that He would.
An Invitation….a Blessing….A Future….
And the Lord offers us an invitation:
Isaiah 55:1-2
“Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat!
Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost. Isaiah 55:1-2
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