And so with the press of the send button on my computer, my life instantly became less complicated, less frenzied, less demanding. I am looking forward to having some free time, some me-time, and some friend time. I have graduated.
The whole concept of graduation is intriguing. The word itself means “a process of gradual change”. Yet with some graduations the change takes place quickly. Years ago I attended my granddaughter’s preschool graduation ceremony. It had all of the pageantry one can expect from four year olds. Yet in her life little changed. But it won’t be long before that same grandchild will be graduating from High School and then college and that will bring about enormous changes in her life.
My “graduation” will be May 10 and after that I will receive a piece of paper that says I have completed the course work for a Certificate in Graduate Studies from Dallas Theological Seminary. For me, little will change except the satisfaction of knowing I accomplished a goal. So sometimes graduation brings about an enormous change in life and sometimes, like my degree and the preschool certificate, little changes.
But there is coming a day, when I will graduate from this world into the next. It will be the ultimate graduation, the ultimate change. All that I do now is simply course work for what is to come. Sometimes it is very hard (reminds me of my Soteriology class that just about did me in) and sometimes it is simply pure joy (like Dynamics of Christian Leadership). Yet everything is in preparation for THAT day. I have come to see that a life worth living is never free from pressure. I don’t want to graduate with a D- but would so love to graduate with honors…honors for the One who is my all. I have a chance to spend my class time on earth working for the glory of Jesus Christ. And Scripture tells me there will not be a diploma waiting for me but perhaps a crown and the voice of the one I love saying, ”Well done good and faithful servant.” And then all of the work, time and sacrifice will be worth it. Graduation Day is coming!
2 Timothy 4:7
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness….
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