Friday, April 26, 2013

One Perfect Life

One of my professors, the late Dr. Howard Hendricks, said we would do well to spend our whole lives studying the life of Jesus Christ. It is not only an inspiration but a statement of challenge. How many of us have actually spent even more than a few months studying the complete life of Jesus?

For the last couple of years I have wanted to do an in-depth study of Jesus, the man. What was it like to be with Him, to be taught by Him and to learn from His example? He was a man…God, yes, but God in human form. And because of that He did have emotions, He did get tired and yet He chose to do the Father’s will at all points. 

I want to see Him, really see Him as He was, as He is, at the wedding at Cana, walking on water, healing the leper. For so many months other responsibilities and studies have bogged me down. Yet now seminary is behind me, the Be Amazing Study is ready to go to print and I have a little free time. I want to become familiar with Christ’s travels and what the places were like that He visited and exactly what did He do in each one of those cities, towns and villages. I want to “see His face” when He healed the leper and I want to “see” the leper” when he realized a life of isolation, pain, poverty and sorrow were behind him. I want to experience the conversation with the woman at the well and see the results as the townspeople came rushing out to meet Him. 

I was reading World Magazine recently and they highlighted a new book by John MacArthur, 'One Perfect Life'. He has always been an author who could take hard things and put them into words I could understand. I bought it immediately and have been drinking in every word! It is a masterpiece. He has arranged all of the verses in the Bible that have to do with Jesus in chronological order. Then because he knew I was easily distracted, he has sectioned the book into smaller “bites”, smaller chapters. So my goal is to “see Jesus” and from that develop an even deeper love for Jesus the Man, Jesus our God and Jesus my dearest friend. . . 

If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; 
John 14:7a

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